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Tuesday, 20 November 2012

I Need to Change!!

Argh!! tgh pening..
I need to do something NEW in MY LIFE. I need to change something.
sangat pening.. Family life sgt ok tp yg pening my financial situation is NOT good. Gaji cukup2 makan. Betul la kena cari something utk tambah pendapatan or tukar kerja lain.. HELP!! ade x tmpat keja lain yg boleh offer gaji lagi besar dari gaji sekarang.. tolong la ambik.. huhuuhu

I do think this is the TIME FOR ME TO CHANGE. Kena CHANGE utk dapat kehidupan yg lebih baik utk my family & especially my kids.

Ya Allah.. Semoga apa yg kau pertemukan aku sekarang adalah yg terbaik utk aku dan keluargaku. Murahkan la rezeki ku.. buka kan lah pintu rezeki utk diri ku, keluarga ku, rakan2 seperjuangan ku. Semoga kami semua mendapat apa yg kami inginan dalam kehidupan dgn Izin mu.

  "Sometimes you may feel you can't reach your dreams because you held back by people or maybe you're waiting for someone to accept you for who you are. Don't wait. Don't wait for someone to tell you that you are allowed to be who you are or do what you want. If you're waiting, you waited far too long. Life is too short to wait on your dreams. Chase them now. Because there's nothing more fulfilling than doing what you love and being who you are. And if you're scared, imagine you have your superhero costumes on you, you're invincible. Nothing can hurt you. Don't wait for the world to accept you. Your dreams only come true in cans, not can'ts. Never stop dreaming. Only you can make your dreams come true. "
       Love~Michelle Phan~

I Can't afford to wait anymore
Semoga dipermudahkan semua urusan ku dan rakan2 seperjuangan (",)

 My Beloved family. In Sha Allah mummy akan berusaha & berikan yg terbaik utk Abg Ameer & Adik Ammar ye (",)


    Anyone nak join me to CHANGE? 

Just PM me (",)

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